Wednesday, November 30, 2011

Regimen To Alleviate Dyshidrotic Eczema

About ten years ago, I was diagnosed with Dyshidrotic Eczema, and underwent patch testing. They recommended at the time that I also keep a diet diary to check for any food allergies, which is a good idea. I recently had another horrible bout with this condition (I say condition instead of disease) and am proud to say that I am licking it.

Eczema comes from the Greek word which means "to boil over". No truer words were ever spoken, and I have literally been ripped from a solid sleep by the burning of my hands and feet. When this happens, you quickly realize that your body is talking (or rather screaming) to you "make this right." What I was truly suffering from was the following:

1. Heavy metal toxicity
2. Septic intestinal conditions
3. Harmful bacteria

There are three primary tactics one should undergo when dealing with this condition:

1. Removal of oneself from any allergens or allergic environments
2. Detoxification of intestinal tract and blood stream
3. Replenishment of vitamins, nutrients, trace minerals and probiotics

SEQUESTER! That toxic world out there is the enemy... for now. Get your body back to homeostasis, then you can walk out there again.

1. Cotton ONLY. Throw any synthetic fibers into a big pile far, far away. Cotton is your friend.
2. Clean your room. Vacuum, Dust, Wipe down things (with vinyl or cotton gloves on) that you never wiped before, like those ceiling fan blades. This will alleviate not only dust and dander allergies, but also gives you peace of mind. Remember, stress can exacerbate the situation as well. Make your room your shrine, then make your body your temple.
3. Baths help to keep the calm, and for the alleviation of symptoms initially use colloidal oatmeal (remember from chicken pox?). As much as I like Aveeno, the generics work just as well, and save you some coin.
4. Gloves help to prevent contact for those with contact dermatitis. I prefer cotton, but vinyl can work for short-term messy work (like dishes). Remember Latex is just cheap rubber, and harmful.
5. If you absolutely have to hit a store, be a ninja. In and out. The more potential exposure you  have, the longer it can take to heal. If you're suffering from cabin fever, Skype!

GET IT AWAY FROM ME! This should be your mantra when your going through this, and don't be ashamed. By touching things that your condition has made you sensitive to, you make it worse, so be vigilant, and don't let anyone tell you otherwise.

When I'm attacked by the eczema, I'm allergic to the following: plastics, perfumes and fragrances, nickel, synthetic coatings, paint, dyes, fabric softener, and a few other things. Many people have the same problems. Needless to say, this stuff's everywhere. Why? Because it's all cheap to make and sell, god love capitalism. So this crap makes a minefield for a suffering man/woman, and believe you me, it's hard enough to think when your hands and feet are covered with deep blisters.

Change your bedsheets at least every other day if not every day. Stay in bed if you can while you figure out how to arrange for the rest of this, gather the materials you need (or have a friend help out) and prepare for some life altering experiences to occur. This will not be easy. This will not be fun. This will not be comfortable, but if you face it head on and fight, you can win.

Your skin is the largest organ in your body. If you are 'boiling over', it's because your skin is talking to you, and telling you that something is very wrong. Many times it is the result of years of toxins building up in your system. You must relieve this. For me it was five years between cleanses. That's far too long. 6 months to a year should be the max.

DIET! Here are a few rules:

1. Absolutely NO junk food!
2. The things that you are probably missing in your body are Vitamins A, C, B3, B6, B12, zinc, magnesium, Essential Fatty Acids. I would also recommend Vitamin E.
3. You want to eat foods that are high in these things. And keep in mind foods don't have the nutrients they used to (thanks GMO's) so you want to supplement as well. I'm not here to sell vitamins, but believe me, when you don't have them in your body you'll know. It kind of 'talks' to you.
4. I know the stuff is gross as hell, but Flax Seed Oil is going to have those Essential Fatty Acids and Omega's that you need for your skin. Also consider Borage Oil. This also contains your EFA's.
5. Vegetables. Just Vegetables. If you absolutely have to have a burger, make it a boca burger. Green leafies, carrots, pretty much anything that would make a bunny happy (no, not a playboy bunny). If you get tired of eating them, blend them into a smoothie and take it down. Smoothies also make an easier way to get that flax seed oil down.
6. Absolutely NO Canned Foods! They contain nickel, and if you're allergic to it, it's not something you want to feel.
7. Here's a great link to help you out:

DETOX! Get that crap out!

1. Coffee Enemas - coffee is a natural diuretic, if you're toxic, you won't believe what will come out of you. If you're married and your wife is watching over you, give a courtesy flush every now and again. Here's a link on how to do it:
2. Colon Hydrotherapy - there's plenty of research out there. I recommend one a year regardless of condition, especially if you're a man over the age of 35. Same cleansing logic as the coffee enemas.
3. Infrared Sauna - SWEAT! And the IR is great for the skin as well. If you can get a bulk deal on treatments, do it. If you can't afford this, it's okay, the other methods will work, but you might have to do them more.
4. Salt Water Cleanse - Cheap and effective. Before you cleaned from the bottom up, now from the top down, and here's a video link:
5. Ginger Baths - You gotta sweat to get those toxins out. Here's what you need - 2 cups baking soda, 2 cups Epsom Salts, 1/3 cup Ground Ginger. Mix it all together in a hot bath and get in for twenty minutes, then get out and pour cool water into the bath, then get in for another twenty minutes. Expect to turn red in spots, and expect to sweat your ass off. Don't worry, the redness wears off.
6. Cilantro! Want a quick and cheap way to get those heavy metals out of your system? Cilantro! I ate it straight, and I swear, all I could taste were metals for three days. About 1/4 bunch a day will do.

Okay, in terms of detox, you can actually detoxify your system fairly cheaply. If you can't afford a sauna, make one at home by using methods 1,4,5, and 6. They're pretty much the same, but I like having professional equipment and a professional along the ride. And it is a ride, one you WILL feel. I guess you could say it's the ride of your life (yuk yuk).

REPLENISH! Get it in ya. When you cleanse, you're stripping your system of everything, so it is important to put it back in.

1. Wake to fruits and whole grains. Bananas are your friend. Apples, pears, plums and all that other good stuff.
2. Vitamins (like the ones listed earlier), essential fatty acids, Borage Oil, Electrolytes (the coffee enemas can deplete these), GLA (gamma linolenic acid), and anything else your body says it needs. The most important thing is to find your peaceful spot for a moment, and just listen.
3. Lunch? It's called salad.
4. Dinner? Green Leafies as the main course, and you may find meat alternatives out there that can stem those cravings for a bit.
5. Fish oils can be very helpful as well, but be careful and limit these, as there are metals and high iodine, especially in bottom feeders like crab, shrimp, lobster, etc.

Keep in mind, the doctors never actually gave me a 'cure' to the malady. In fact, one thing they did was prescribe  Elidel, which has been found to cause cancer with repeated use. They never addressed toxicity in my system, they never talked about detoxification, nutrition... they never even tried. Remember, for the most part but not all, doctors are here to treat, not cure.

Pics! (After 4 Coffee Enemas, Colon Hydrotherapy,  IR Sauna, Special Diet)

Hands are rough, blisters are still there (though much less than before if you can believe it).

This is two days later, after the salt water cleanse, diet, replenishment.

No new blisters, skin smoothing, no more crusting, no irritation
I'll keep you updated.

Sunday, August 28, 2011


In all the vacuous nature of space, there exists us, and we struggle to make sense of what we are, and whether that's important and whether we're important. We want to be, but in the back of our minds, there's always something that generates fear in being too important. It's possible that we don't want others to be too dependent on us, or that without us others might fail. We want people to like us, but we want them to like us for the right reasons.

In my experiences, some of the most miserable people I've met have been rich. They're 'burdened' with the cars, the lifestyle, the opinions of how the money was made, and the change in disposition when meeting people for the first time, even though those people 'knew' of you before you even met. Want becomes the norm in conversations, rather than ideals. And the truth is, our very definitions change, and we realize that rich becomes a relative term. Paraphrasing Steve Jobs, the goal is not to be the richest man in the graveyard, but rather to wake up every morning knowing that you made some kind of positive change in the world and for the people around us.

Did you ever notice the difference in your thoughts in college, when you had nothing, and the thoughts you have today? Do you love, hate, inquire the same way? Are you passionate like you were then? Are you the same you?

Of course not. The only constant in the universe is change. And when we change from poor to rich, the world around us changes as well. Commonalities change, because you become not so common, though you still breath and cry and touch and taste. But it's still not the same.

And if you are one of the few that has a great idea, or many great ideas and can communicate them effectively to others, and organize the effort with deliberate passion you may find yourself in the situation of leaving your cocoon, and becoming a butterfly. This transfiguration is as much the purpose of life for you as it is the butterfly, yet many fear it because it is change.

And the questions we leave behind in the process are as important as they always were. Will I be a good person? Will I help others? One can often be so caught up in the change that we stop asking the questions, and this is where the misery begins.

Many people forget about these questions, though, scrambling for the way to overcome the game that capitalism is, and this can lead to ultimate loneliness. The worst kind of isolation is the mental kind, and the last thing that we want in our youth often turns into the thing that we become. But there is a way out.

Someone once told me wisely that if you want to succeed in the world, find the thing that drives you crazy the most and try to solve it. I like that, in that inherently this task reaches into your personality and pushes you by your very nature to resolve it. Many of the people that I have met that were innovators were first mainly pissed off at a situation. And several of them became rich being pissed off, until the situation stopped pissing them off, and the tool or method they created became necessary or helpful, creating an abundance where once there was none.

The digital world is very much a metaphor for this same process which has existed for centuries. The difference is that it is more accessible. A man who sees a gap in function amongst millions of functions can take a coding language and innovate a method which will give him a solution. He can then distribute that solution to millions of people and become 'someone'. This is beautiful. And that engineer or programmer or inventor can light up the world in a way that is distinctly his or her own. But the thing that makes us 'someone' was the creation, not the money.

And in this ethereal world is abundance. But what does the person do with the abundance, when the world around him screams 'material, material, material'?

I met a man in Budapest who handed me a solid gold business card. But he was staying in the most modest youth hostile we could find (which was all my brother and I could afford). When I asked him why he wasn't staying in the nicest hotel in the city, he looked at me and said, "I'm looking for a wife." Being young and certainly not in marrying mode, I responded with "Don't you mean you're looking for a woman?" He smiled back at me and said "No. In all the time that I spent becoming a doctor and a businessman, I ignored being social. I spent all my time studying, never dating, never being with people. Now when I meet women, they want me for things other than my heart, so I go to places where people don't know who I am, or what I have." It opened up a new reality for me, and the very definition of the term 'rich' launched a query which swirled in my consciousness. 

This is the question we must always keep in mind. The shiny new car or yacht will never give you the same feeling as helping people, and there's a good reason for that. Dying alone is dying alone. It will always suck, no matter how you drape it in faberge eggs and fine linen. 

So we try to surround ourselves with friends. But the truth of the matter is that after you go through this metamorphosis, you're less and less sure of who your friends truly are. Unfortunately I've known people who were more consumed with inheriting their parents money than being something on their own. The very thought of this to me is a great example of what kind of hollow emptiness can exist in the human soul. When people are consumed by these kinds of thoughts, they cease to be people, and are rather meat puppets dangling from the strings of malfeasance.

Money does not make the world go around. Relationships do. If you don't believe me, look at the relationship between the earth and the sun.

So it is every person's responsibility to shine in their own way. They should do this not only to be the best person they can be, but rather, to help others shine in their own way. Leading by example is the best way to lead. And innovation is simply digging into the core of your being, and finding a helpful truth. It is there, believe me.