Wednesday, November 30, 2011

Regimen To Alleviate Dyshidrotic Eczema

About ten years ago, I was diagnosed with Dyshidrotic Eczema, and underwent patch testing. They recommended at the time that I also keep a diet diary to check for any food allergies, which is a good idea. I recently had another horrible bout with this condition (I say condition instead of disease) and am proud to say that I am licking it.

Eczema comes from the Greek word which means "to boil over". No truer words were ever spoken, and I have literally been ripped from a solid sleep by the burning of my hands and feet. When this happens, you quickly realize that your body is talking (or rather screaming) to you "make this right." What I was truly suffering from was the following:

1. Heavy metal toxicity
2. Septic intestinal conditions
3. Harmful bacteria

There are three primary tactics one should undergo when dealing with this condition:

1. Removal of oneself from any allergens or allergic environments
2. Detoxification of intestinal tract and blood stream
3. Replenishment of vitamins, nutrients, trace minerals and probiotics

SEQUESTER! That toxic world out there is the enemy... for now. Get your body back to homeostasis, then you can walk out there again.

1. Cotton ONLY. Throw any synthetic fibers into a big pile far, far away. Cotton is your friend.
2. Clean your room. Vacuum, Dust, Wipe down things (with vinyl or cotton gloves on) that you never wiped before, like those ceiling fan blades. This will alleviate not only dust and dander allergies, but also gives you peace of mind. Remember, stress can exacerbate the situation as well. Make your room your shrine, then make your body your temple.
3. Baths help to keep the calm, and for the alleviation of symptoms initially use colloidal oatmeal (remember from chicken pox?). As much as I like Aveeno, the generics work just as well, and save you some coin.
4. Gloves help to prevent contact for those with contact dermatitis. I prefer cotton, but vinyl can work for short-term messy work (like dishes). Remember Latex is just cheap rubber, and harmful.
5. If you absolutely have to hit a store, be a ninja. In and out. The more potential exposure you  have, the longer it can take to heal. If you're suffering from cabin fever, Skype!

GET IT AWAY FROM ME! This should be your mantra when your going through this, and don't be ashamed. By touching things that your condition has made you sensitive to, you make it worse, so be vigilant, and don't let anyone tell you otherwise.

When I'm attacked by the eczema, I'm allergic to the following: plastics, perfumes and fragrances, nickel, synthetic coatings, paint, dyes, fabric softener, and a few other things. Many people have the same problems. Needless to say, this stuff's everywhere. Why? Because it's all cheap to make and sell, god love capitalism. So this crap makes a minefield for a suffering man/woman, and believe you me, it's hard enough to think when your hands and feet are covered with deep blisters.

Change your bedsheets at least every other day if not every day. Stay in bed if you can while you figure out how to arrange for the rest of this, gather the materials you need (or have a friend help out) and prepare for some life altering experiences to occur. This will not be easy. This will not be fun. This will not be comfortable, but if you face it head on and fight, you can win.

Your skin is the largest organ in your body. If you are 'boiling over', it's because your skin is talking to you, and telling you that something is very wrong. Many times it is the result of years of toxins building up in your system. You must relieve this. For me it was five years between cleanses. That's far too long. 6 months to a year should be the max.

DIET! Here are a few rules:

1. Absolutely NO junk food!
2. The things that you are probably missing in your body are Vitamins A, C, B3, B6, B12, zinc, magnesium, Essential Fatty Acids. I would also recommend Vitamin E.
3. You want to eat foods that are high in these things. And keep in mind foods don't have the nutrients they used to (thanks GMO's) so you want to supplement as well. I'm not here to sell vitamins, but believe me, when you don't have them in your body you'll know. It kind of 'talks' to you.
4. I know the stuff is gross as hell, but Flax Seed Oil is going to have those Essential Fatty Acids and Omega's that you need for your skin. Also consider Borage Oil. This also contains your EFA's.
5. Vegetables. Just Vegetables. If you absolutely have to have a burger, make it a boca burger. Green leafies, carrots, pretty much anything that would make a bunny happy (no, not a playboy bunny). If you get tired of eating them, blend them into a smoothie and take it down. Smoothies also make an easier way to get that flax seed oil down.
6. Absolutely NO Canned Foods! They contain nickel, and if you're allergic to it, it's not something you want to feel.
7. Here's a great link to help you out:

DETOX! Get that crap out!

1. Coffee Enemas - coffee is a natural diuretic, if you're toxic, you won't believe what will come out of you. If you're married and your wife is watching over you, give a courtesy flush every now and again. Here's a link on how to do it:
2. Colon Hydrotherapy - there's plenty of research out there. I recommend one a year regardless of condition, especially if you're a man over the age of 35. Same cleansing logic as the coffee enemas.
3. Infrared Sauna - SWEAT! And the IR is great for the skin as well. If you can get a bulk deal on treatments, do it. If you can't afford this, it's okay, the other methods will work, but you might have to do them more.
4. Salt Water Cleanse - Cheap and effective. Before you cleaned from the bottom up, now from the top down, and here's a video link:
5. Ginger Baths - You gotta sweat to get those toxins out. Here's what you need - 2 cups baking soda, 2 cups Epsom Salts, 1/3 cup Ground Ginger. Mix it all together in a hot bath and get in for twenty minutes, then get out and pour cool water into the bath, then get in for another twenty minutes. Expect to turn red in spots, and expect to sweat your ass off. Don't worry, the redness wears off.
6. Cilantro! Want a quick and cheap way to get those heavy metals out of your system? Cilantro! I ate it straight, and I swear, all I could taste were metals for three days. About 1/4 bunch a day will do.

Okay, in terms of detox, you can actually detoxify your system fairly cheaply. If you can't afford a sauna, make one at home by using methods 1,4,5, and 6. They're pretty much the same, but I like having professional equipment and a professional along the ride. And it is a ride, one you WILL feel. I guess you could say it's the ride of your life (yuk yuk).

REPLENISH! Get it in ya. When you cleanse, you're stripping your system of everything, so it is important to put it back in.

1. Wake to fruits and whole grains. Bananas are your friend. Apples, pears, plums and all that other good stuff.
2. Vitamins (like the ones listed earlier), essential fatty acids, Borage Oil, Electrolytes (the coffee enemas can deplete these), GLA (gamma linolenic acid), and anything else your body says it needs. The most important thing is to find your peaceful spot for a moment, and just listen.
3. Lunch? It's called salad.
4. Dinner? Green Leafies as the main course, and you may find meat alternatives out there that can stem those cravings for a bit.
5. Fish oils can be very helpful as well, but be careful and limit these, as there are metals and high iodine, especially in bottom feeders like crab, shrimp, lobster, etc.

Keep in mind, the doctors never actually gave me a 'cure' to the malady. In fact, one thing they did was prescribe  Elidel, which has been found to cause cancer with repeated use. They never addressed toxicity in my system, they never talked about detoxification, nutrition... they never even tried. Remember, for the most part but not all, doctors are here to treat, not cure.

Pics! (After 4 Coffee Enemas, Colon Hydrotherapy,  IR Sauna, Special Diet)

Hands are rough, blisters are still there (though much less than before if you can believe it).

This is two days later, after the salt water cleanse, diet, replenishment.

No new blisters, skin smoothing, no more crusting, no irritation
I'll keep you updated.


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Hi, for the coffee therapy, I used normal coffee sachets, is this okay? Also can I do this twice a day? Am I supposed to do this everyday? Thank you

    1. If you have blood in your stool, you may want to consult a physician before doing the therapy. Most hydrocolon therapists will tell you to use organic coffee. I've done both and I'm still kicking, though the thought of organic appeals to me. This is something that's been done.

      If you check out you can probably see a variety of reasons for bleeding stools. There are many ways to cleanse. I know the coffee enema makes sense, but if you have bleeding stools, you may want to focus on other ways to cleanse. The idea is to get toxins, metals, even types of plastics that we can consume out of your system. Your body is responding to an overload of toxicity, get it out. There are many ways to detox, another good one is bentonite clay, but that's for someone who can take the weird taste.

  3. Another thing was I don't have the equipment for the coffee treatment, I just drank coffee and lie down on my bed and waited for 5 minutes each side, left, middle and right. Is that okay? Right after I did that I noticed little patches of ezcema disappearing on my arm, I have very serious eczema. Thank you.

  4. Enema bags can be purchased at Wal-Mart for five bucks (it's the red rubber kind).

    Your welcome, but I'm not sure drinking coffee is going to do anything for dishydrotic eczema. The reason I did the coffee enema is simply to flush out the intestines so that I could prepare them for the probiotics. There are various aspects to cleansing, you should look at the various approaches as each having a separate or similar goal. Coffee is a natural diuretic, so I use the enema to cleanse the bottom of the intestinal tract. Then I use a salt lick (see above) to sanitize the intestines from the top down. It totally sucks but it works.

    Poop, poop, poop. That's really what it's about. There is another product that I'm going to write about but that's another blog entry.

  5. I do not know if my comment went through, but I have been wondering if you finally got a cure.. ? Thanks!

  6. Okay so there is no set cure... The problem comes from a multitude of different toxic factors that affect us in different ways. One of thesebways that is directly linked to over 250 different MAJOR diseases (like multiple schlerosis ) is called OXIDATIVE STRESS. You can find many different articles on about this. I was lucky to find a wonderful supplement that was designed to reduce your body's oxidative stress levels by 40-70% (which is amazing). There is no pharmaceutical on the market that can do this, though two pharmaceutical companies have tried and failed. I became a distributor to get the reduced price on the pills and they have done wonders for both my wife and I. But I started this blog to help people out there, not to sell supplements, so you can find it on eBay or on in other health stores. It's called Protandim. And it was designed by a scientist who has been nominated for four Nobel Prizes.

    That got rid of the blisters on my hands. Then cilantro and various forms of chelation got rid of the blisters on my feet. Be sure to clean out your bowels and colon afterwards with the enemas listed above because you're pushing metals through your system and you don't want them to reabsorb into your system. There's and easier way to do the cilantro rather than mouthfuls of raw cilantro. Google Dr. Oz's Sexy Cilantro Smoothie. These two things in combination can be a very powerful solution. But keep in mind that you must be diligent in eliminating negative foods and chemicals. Check out the Candida diet as well. Some people speculate that the body uses candida to protect itself from metals.

    1. Sorry I wrote that reply quickly. A couple of corrections/improvements:
      1. (not .com)
      2. It's important when chelating to replace things that at removed from your body like magnesium, iron, etc. Their are many good sites about chelation that will go in depth on the topic but the godfather of chelation is Dr. Gary Gordon. A simple Google will take you there.
      3.Another way to effectively chelate that I've read about but not tried myself is short chain modified citrus pectin. This is taken from citrus peels. Again I haven't tried it yet but the pills are in the mail and I've read a lot of good stuff.. I hope this all helps.

  7. I only have a breakout when I accidentally eat things that have GMO sugar in them like beet sugar which is found in everything. If I stay away from that then I'm fine!:-) just a thought...

  8. Hi, I tried many options before, THE ONE that works wonders for me is OIL PULLING, I use organic virgin coconut oil, in 3 days doing it morning & evenings it 's almost all gone ! amazing check this link and do more search on the net
    Hope this will help many of you,
    Also before I started oil pulling I put my hands in 1/2 organic apple cider vinegar 1/2 water for 30mins, and then made a thick paste from clay powder and water, covered my hands and let it completely dry, great release ;) then hydrate with coconut oil ;)

  9. Hi, I just wanted to say that I have found that applying a paste of bentonite clay to the affected areas GREATLY diminishes the blisters, and causes the situation to clear up much quicker than otherwise. It also GREATLY diminishes any itching that may come along with it. I also buy a grassfed bone broth from the refrigerated health food section of my HEB (a supermarket here in Texas), and i add that to my soups, which I eat on a regular basis.The brand of bone broth is called Epic Artisinal bone broth. I supplement that with one capsule of Blue Ice Royal Blend fermented cod liver and concentrated butter oil blend. Another meal that I like to make that is healthy is (all grassfed food) an egg and sausage sandwich on buttered, toasted bread. These are foods that I love to eat, so its easy to find healthy food that you love! The bentonite clay remedy is really simple for me whenever i get issues. The shampoo, conditioner and soap that I use is from a brand called Nurture My Body, its amazing. And yes, that cod liver butter oil blend that I mentioned earlier is expensive, but its the only supplement that I need, since i make my soups regularly. God bless you all! I hope that my tips helped one person, at the very least. <3
